Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year is Nothing New!

So we have all been through the hustle and bustle of the New Year.  A time to tell ourselves that we are setting goals and making big things happen! Well it's all bullshit unless you commit yourself.  Dieting, moving up in the world, attaining bigger and better things, are what a lot of people strive for in this day and age.  I think we all set ourselves up for disaster.  It's not about the boat, or the SUV, or how much you make. So many people i have met in the last few years have stepped up their game and are looking at things that matter: our environment, our health, our kids health and education, our economy....I feel a great sense of fear and hope and frustration with all of it... 

I will say that it aids in driving me to create work and art and making the most of what i got while i got it!  I vowed this year to quit my complaining and bitching.  There are people in this world that got it way worse than i do. I got a wife, a house, a good job, and a Singer 291U3 Industrial sewing machine that i hope to create buttery goodness with. I just gotta learn how to sew thats all! 
I think if you want to make a real change for yourself, think in baby steps. Set obtainable goals and get your head right!  On that note, I have set some goals for myself this year.  I want to be less of a troglodite and spend more time in this thing we call cyberspace.  I want to create a new design a week for my Etsy site: (http:// by the way.  Oh yeah shameless self promotion is also on the top of my list!  

I will be posting various musings on cycling, the people i interact with, and anything else that tickles my fancy, or chaps my ass!

Stay tuned...

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